Zseniális videó Szingapúrról

2013.10.31. 15:05 Hargita Nándor Szólj hozzá!

A Singapore Time lapse.

Keith Loutit ( based in Singapore): | |
More info below.

Big thanks to Michael Adler Miltersen for composing the arrangement and sound design for this film!

Music by Sepia Productions
Sound design by Sepia Productions |

For 'The Lion City', the idea behind the extension of the tilt shift technique is for focus and distance to be something the viewer can experience. It also doubles to communicate the constant heat and humidity that hits you whenever you leave the comfort of air conditioning in Singapore.

Shooting info at:

Thanks to the following people who helped with this film:

Yan Szu Ong, Singapore National Parks Board;
April Tan, Juliana Tan, Irin Lin & Belle Tan - Singapore Urban Redevelopment Authority;
Cheryl Ng, The Ritz Carlton Millennia Singapore;
Jing Han Foo, Singapore Housing & Development Board;
Fulvia Wong, Singapore Flyer;
Ong Jun Wei, National Day 2011;
Steven Tan, Shaw Organisation;
David Phan, P&G Photographic.

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